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Monday , 4:24 PM
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Marked Design as Completed

Monday , 3:00 PM
Larkon Application UI v2.0.0 Latest

Get access to over 20+ pages including a dashboard layout, charts, kanban board, calendar, and pre-order E-commerce & Marketing pages.

Monday , 2:10 PM
Alex Smith Attached Photos
Monday 1:00 PM
Rebecca J. added a new team member

Added a new member to Front Dashboard

Monday 10:00 AM

Earned a " Best Product Award"

Monday 9:30 AM
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Total Product Items

3521 (Items)

In Stock Product

1311 (Items)

Out Of Stock Product

231 (Items)

Total Visited Customer

2334 4.5% (Last Week)

All Warehouse List

Warehouse ID Warehouse Name Location Manager Contact Number Stock Available Stock Shipping Warehouse Revenue Action
#WH-001 Central Fulfillment 123 Commerce St, NY John Doe +1 (555) 123-4567 6490 3022 $25,737
#WH-002 East Coast Hub 456 Market Ave, NY Jane Smith +1 (555) 234-5678 7362 4253 $67,351
#WH-003 West Coast Depot 789 Trade Blvd, CA Richard Roe +1 (555) 345-6789 8842 3221 $45,865
#WH-004 Southern Distribution 101 Supply Rd, TX Alice Johnson +1 (555) 456-7890 5463 2100 $54,655
#WH-005 Northern Fulfillment 202 Logistics Ln, IL Michael Brown +1 (555) 567-8901 12643 7008 $92,533
#WH-006 Midwest Center 303 Central St, MO Emily Davis +1 (555) 678-9012 7553 5600 $43,898
#WH-007 Southeast Storage 404 Storage Dr, FL William Green +1 (555) 789-0123 9381 5343 $76,909
#WH-008 Northwest Hub 505 Commerce Pl, WA Jessica White +1 (555) 890-1234 6500 3453 $32,765
#WH-009 Southwest Fulfillment 606 Trade Ave, AZ Christopher Black +1 (555) 901-2345 7555 9000 $67,565
#WH-010 Northeast Depot 707 Distribution Rd, MA Patricia Clark +1 (555) 012-3456 5499 3433 $43,765
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